Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lord of the Rings

Caught a flight from Melbourne to Auckland. Its good to be in the competitive home of Rugby and the welcome from Immigration certainly lived up to that name. The guys asking the "what are you doing here" questions were massive and very intimidating, without any effort in trying to be, whatsoever. They make US immigration look like a bunch of tellytubbies.

Flew straight from Auckland to Wellington on a packed flight. The last 10 minutes of the flight were spectacular, I'd guess its where they filmed Lord of the Rings. Very cool scenery, very cool sky etc. Its just as well the scenery demanded your attention, because otherwise you could be distracted by the fact that the plane was coming in to land sideways and at a horizontal angle not normally related to commercial flights. Apparently pilots flying in need a special licence. Alton Towers eat your heart out. Was fun though.

Wellington is where the premiere of Lord of the Rings was shown, in a quaint cinema. Even the taxi driver from the airport was named "Ghulam", taking the lord of the rings thing a little far I thought.


Unknown said...

Lord of the Rings my ass! Keep an eye out for your man Scott and his physio ex. Now there is a dangerous local if ever there was one.

There was a bit of an intermission there on the old contributions before a flurry again, keep it up

Never knew that Kangaroos were predatory. They don’t seem to be built for it. Can’t imagine an 8 foot creature bobbing up and down being very successful on the sneaking up on you front. That said I have heard that they fight like you wouldn’t believe. Lean back on their tails and attempt to disembowel/castrate each other with their hind feet. Though to be honest, come to think about it, I always did thing that Skippy had a kind of a shifty look about him. I reckon he was just drawing people in until he gained 3 or 4 feet and did unimaginable thing to them. The kind of thing normally only found on those specialist sites one hears about.

Will Littlejohn said...

What do you mean, Auckland's the competitive home of rugby. Have you never been to Thomond park. If its competitive rugby your wantin get your arse down to the park this Saturday and watch the boys knock the shite out of Lansdowne. Your men in Auckland could never have done what we did to Bantry in the Munster quarter finals. Auckland my arse.

Anonymous said...

Surely the home of competitive rugby is Exeter Chiefs new Sandy Park stadium?

I have posted your teletubbies comment on the US Homeland security website as they are asking for customer feedback positive or negative.

BTW it snowed again today, is that what you instructed for when you were away Snow |and Brass Monkeys?

Will Littlejohn said...

Now there's a coincidence. Your man Pete has a geneaology that includes the Exeter Chefs at Sandy Park stadium, the very place where I'll be playin on 29 May against a Maori XV. We'll see what the Aucklanders from the home of competitive rugby can throw at us competitive Irish lads. If the two of you can afford the tickets to be there, I'm the good lookin, red haired Irish maniac No 8. What kind of food do the Chefs throw up at the end of the match Pete?
By the way Brian me boy, would you be any relation to a Patrick Naughton born 1841 Ireland, died 1895 in Wangaratta, Australia. He had a cousin back in the home country, also Patrick - "Big Patsy"? We could be related?